Smart home tech to buy your time back


A smart home is a home equipped with lighting and temperature controls that can be controlled remotely by a phone or computer. The term is sometimes used synonymously with home automation, but the latter more commonly refers to more complex systems.



Smart home technology is now a $53 billion industry, and it’s expected to grow to $77 billion by 2022.

The smart home industry is growing rapidly. In fact, it’s expected to reach $77 billion by 2022 — an increase of more than 50 percent from 2018. Smart homes are already common in the US and Europe, but they’re becoming more popular throughout Asia and Latin America as well.


In 2022, we will be living in a world where all our devices are connected and work together effortlessly. The days of struggling with Wi-Fi passwords and trying to remember which remote controls and which device are over. Everything will be synced up automatically behind the scenes, so you can spend less time managing your home and more time enjoying it!

Google, Apple, and Amazon are all working on smart home platforms that will allow you to manage your entire household from your smartphone. The tech will make it easier for you to turn off lights, adjust temperature and control appliances with just a few taps.

You may be wondering what smart homes will look like in 2022. Here's a sneak peek into how they'll operate:

Voice commands: Today's voice-activated assistants can do everything from turning off the lights to ordering dinner (as long as you have a delivery app). In 2022, voice commands will become even more intuitive and widespread thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) technology like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. You'll be able to tell your assistant exactly what you want done — like turning off all the lights in your house or playing your favorite song — without having to search through menus or apps.

Connected devices: More appliances will be connected to the internet in 2022 than today, which means there will be fewer wires running around your house for you to trip over or pay attention to when cleaning up after dinner parties. Smart fridges already exist that can alert users when their milk is about to spoil and a lot more.

In the future, we will be talking about all types of smart technology may it be for your own, office, cars, etc. so stay tuned!


Smart homes allow you to control your home's temperature, lighting, and appliances from anywhere in the world. This can help save you money on your utility bills and give you peace of mind when you're away from home.

Smart homes are safer than traditional homes. You can use the built-in security systems in your smart home system to monitor your property for intruders or fire alarms. You can also control lights and other devices remotely using your smartphone or tablet. If you need help from emergency crews, the system will automatically contact them when an emergency occurs.

Smart homes make it easier to stay connected with family members while away from home. Many smart home systems include features like video cameras that let homeowners see what's going on inside their homes when they're away — even if they're not physically there! This means that parents can check on their pets while away at work and ensure that kids are getting along while they're at school each day (or vice versa!). All in all, it will save you on energy costs, security is top-notch, you can lock/unlock doors and windows, turn on/off lights remotely, or even set your appliances automatically at a specific time either day, night, or whatever time you want so forgetting in taking care of these tasks is not a problem anymore!

Have you decided to finally make your house a smart home? I know what's on your mind, what happens next?


You need to ask yourself these questions..

What do I want?

Smart homes are most successful when they solve real problems for homeowners. If you're not sure what those problems are, think about the things that make your life difficult or more expensive than it needs to be. Also, consider what would make your home safer and more comfortable for you and your family members. Smart home technology can help with everything from lighting and temperature control to security systems and even pet care.

How much does it cost?

The biggest barrier for most people is cost — especially for DIY projects like smart thermostats and door locks. But there are many ways to save money on smart home technology without sacrificing quality or features. For example, if you're building a new home or remodeling an existing one, talk with your builder or contractor about adding some of these features at no extra charge (or at reduced costs). And keep an eye out for sales and promotions that offer steep discounts on popular devices such as televisions and smartphones.

The pros of smart home technology

The pros of smart home technology are well-documented. With smart home tech, you can easily control your lights and appliances from anywhere, monitor your home remotely, and even learn about its energy usage. If you’re thinking about upgrading your home with smart technology, here are some of the advantages:


One of the best benefits of smart home tech is that it can help keep your family safe. Whether it’s an intruder alert system or an intelligent thermostat that can detect carbon monoxide, there are many ways to keep your home secure without spending tons of money on security guards or complex alarm systems. Smart lighting systems can also give you more visibility when walking around at night.

Energy efficiency

Did you know that most homes lose 30% of their heat through drafts? Smart thermostats can help reduce this wasted energy by adjusting temperatures automatically based on weather forecasts and room occupancy levels. They also allow homeowners to track their heating consumption over time so they can make more informed decisions about how much energy they use at home each month.

Smart home technology is no longer a luxury item. In fact, it’s quickly becoming essential for the modern homeowner. With smart home tech, you can easily control your lights and appliances from anywhere, monitor your home remotely and even learn about its energy usage. If you’re thinking about upgrading your home with smart technology, here are some of the advantages:

Automated lighting

Smart lights can be turned on and off remotely with a smartphone app or voice commands through Google Home

The cons of smart home technology

If you're concerned about data security, smart home devices are probably not for you. Though many companies claim that their products are secure and encrypted, experts say that's often not the case. The problem is that many people don't know how to properly secure their devices or don't take the time to do so. As a result, they're vulnerable to hackers and cyberattacks.

The cons of smart home technology are equally clear: Hackers can easily access your home's network and gain access to any device connected to it.

There are ways to protect yourself from hackers — such as changing your Wi-Fi password regularly and using a VPN service — but it's important to keep in mind that there's always a risk of being hacked.

Hackers don't need to be inside your house to get at your smart devices — they just need to be able to access the network that connects them all together. And because many people use the same username and password for multiple accounts (for instance, their email account), hackers only need one password to gain access to all of your devices.

The recent rash of botnet attacks has demonstrated how easy it is for hackers to take control of thousands of smart devices at once — which means that if you have a smart TV in your house, it's probably already been infected with malware by now.

Smart home devices need electricity or battery power in order to work properly. If you lose power or run out of battery on a smart device, it won't work anymore until you replace the batteries or get power back online.

Your data may be collected by third parties without your permission. Most smart homes send data back to their manufacturers so they can improve their products and services over time, but that also means their data may be collected by third parties outside of their control.

Setting up a smart home system can be expensive because it requires purchasing several different devices that work together in order for everything to function properly. You will also need to pay for ongoing upgrades and maintenance services from your Internet provider or mobile phone service provider on top of that initial investment because most systems require regular software updates in order to stay functional over time.

Smart homes are the future of real estate. The popularity of these homes has grown enormously after the technological advancements, & it is applaudable to see these technologies change homeowners' lives for the better.

Smart homes are the future of real estate. The popularity of these homes has grown enormously after the technological advancements, & it is applaudable to see these technologies change homeowners' lives for the better.

Hopefully, you have a better understanding of what smart home technology is and know if it's right for you. It's important to remember that not all homes or homeowners will be ready for this new wave of technology. But most are willing to embrace new innovations—and they'll always thank themselves later.